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Collections API

Collections can be accessed at /api/collections endpoint.


Get paginated recordsGET/api/collections/:collectionName
Get specific recordGET/api/collections/:collectionName/:id
Create recordPOST/api/collections/:collectionName
Update recordPUT/api/collections/:collectionName/:id
Delete recordDELETE/api/collections/:collectionName/:id

Find many

const result = await sdk.collection("posts").getMany({
count: true,
limit: 10,
page: 2,
fields: { title: true, body: true },
filter: { title: "Hello World" },
sort: { createdAt: "DESC" },
console.log(result.count) // total amount
console.log( // posts
Example HTTP request
GET https://localhost:5000/api/collections/posts?limit=10&page=1&count=true&filter.title=hello%20world

Possible query params:

KeyDefault valueDescription
limit20Limit (max 200)
countfalseReturn total amount of rows (used for pagination in admin panel)
sort{} - use default database sortSort
fieldsundefined - selects all fields in current tableSelected fields


It is recommended to use SDK to write complex filtering since Zmaj uses qs package to have support for nested query params.

Zmaj supports MongoDB style filtering. Sequelize is used for querying database, and Zmaj will convert it from Mongo style to Sequelize query. They are mostly identical, only Sequelize is not using $eq and similar comparisons, but uses symbol for keys. Zmaj will convert $eq to [Op.eq].

We will join filter provided with query and conditions in permission that is needed to access those resource so user will never get access to rows that they don't have permission to. We will serialize filter with qs package

const exampleFilter = {
title: { $ne: "some title" },
body: "Hello World Body",

Selecting fields

You can specify what fields from collection you want to get. You can also join relations if they are many-to-one (foreign key is in current record). One to many and many to many is not allowed for now since it's very easy to get record with 100000 possible items. For example, get posts with comments would return 1 post and maybe 1000 comments. This future will be available in the future, with pagination.

const { data } = await sdk.collection("posts").getMany({
fields: {
title: true,
body: true,
user: {
email: true,
Example HTTP request
GET https://localhost:5000/api/collections/posts?fields.title=true&fields.body=true&

Find by ID

const post = await sdk.collection("posts").getById({ id: 5 })
Example HTTP request
GET https://localhost:5000/api/collections/posts/5


Send PUT request to /api/collections/:collectionName/:id in which body is changes to be made. It returns updated record.

const updatedPost = await sdk
.updateById({ id: 5, data: { title: "Updated Post" } })
Example HTTP request
PUT https://localhost:5000/api/collections/posts/5
content-type: application/json

"title": "This is updated title"


Send POST request to /api/collections/:collectionName in which body is data that will be used to create record It returns created record.

const createdPost = await sdk.collection("posts").createOne({ data: { title: "First Post" } })
Example HTTP request
POST https://localhost:5000/api/collections/posts
content-type: application/json

"title": "First Post",
"body": "This is post body",
"likes": 123


Send DELETE request to /api/collections/:collectionName/:id, with collection name and record ID. It returns deleted record

const deletedPost = await sdk.collection("posts").deleteById({ id: 5 })
Example HTTP request
DELETE https://localhost:5000/api/collections/posts/5

Adding/removing from one-to-many and many-to-many in current record

It's easy to set value for many-to-one relations, just specify value in foreign key column. For example, to create comment with specific post, you would write { postId: 5, otherValues: "..." }. But what if you want to update post and add some comments to it, and remove another. Your post can have 10000s of comments, and fetching all their IDs would be expensive. We would have to calculate difference, remove redundant comments, and add relevant. A lot cheaper way is for client to send request with only differences to current relation.

const createdPost = await sdk.collection("posts").createOne({
data: {
title: "Default Title",
comments: { type: "toMany", added: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], removed: [] },

// example post with comments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
const updatedPost = await sdk.collection("posts").updateById({
data: {
title: "I am also changing title",
comments: {
type: "toMany",
// this will assign comments 11 and 12 to current post
added: [11, 12],
// this will remove comments 2, 3, and 4 from current post
removed: [2, 3, 4],
// after request post will have comments 1, 5, 11, 12


You can access API in SDK with sdk.collection("collectionsName"). This will return all possible methods.

const response = await sdk.collection("posts").getMany()

Every CRUD response is wrapped in data object. SDK unwraps this object, but you must do it manually if you're using API directly

// When using REST API directly:
const result = await fetch("http://localhost:5000/api/collections/posts/5").then((r) => r.json())
const record1 =
// When using SDK:
const record2 = await sdk.collection("posts").getById({ id: 5 })