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File Storage

Zmaj has support for storing files. It supports storing files on local filesystem, in a S3 bucket, or anywhere with provided adapters. You can provide multiple providers, and then choose where to store file with HTTP header zmaj-storage-provider.

If no configuration for storage is provided, we will default to local storage, in files directory at project root. To disable this option, pass enableFallbackStorage: false to storage config.

You can set uploadDisabled when configuring provider to disable upload, but still using existing files. This is useful if you want to prevent any new upload to that storage, but still need access to files that are stored there, for example when migrating storage providers.

Configuring with code

With classes

If you are passing config with code, this is recommended way since there is TypeScript support and Zod validation.

import { runServer, LocalStorageConfig, S3StorageConfig } from "zmaj"

await runServer({
storage: {
providers: [
// example using classes
// if you are passing config with code, this is recommended way since there is
// TypeScript support
new S3StorageConfig({
/* pass config */
new LocalStorageConfig({
/* pass config */

With POJO (plain old javascript object)

import { runServer } from "zmaj"

await runServer({
storage: {
providers: [
// example local filesystem storage
name: "current_device",
type: "local",
uploadDisabled: false,
// if path is absolute, it will start at filesystem root,
// otherwise it will start at project root
basePath: "dist/files",
// example s3 storage
name: "france_storage",
type: "s3",
basePath: "/my_files",
accessKey: "access-key",
secretKey: "secret-key",
bucket: "bucket-name",
endpoint: "",
region: "fr",
uploadDisabled: false,
// should we create bucket if provided bucket does not exist (optional, defaults to false)
createMissingBucket: false,

Env variables

Zmaj supports providing storage configuration with env variables. You can think of double underscore (__) as nesting. Since you can have many different storages, we must nest config. For example STORAGE_PROVIDERS__STORAGE_1__TYPE=s3, will get us { STORAGE_1: { type: "s3" } }

Example for both local and s3 storage is bellow

# Filesystem Storage

# S3 Storage

You can set that only some providers are used by settings STORAGE_PROVIDERS value:

# Only FS and V33 will be used
STORAGE_PROVIDERS_JSON=`{ "name": "world" }`

JSON Syntax

You can provide all values for a group as a single json by using single underscore.

# JSON Syntax,
"this": "will be treaded",
"as": "json"

docker-compose does not support this syntax.


Local filesystem

Local adapter will store files on your local filesystem. If base path is relative, it will put it relatively to project root. If base path is absolute, it will use that path.


Zmaj supports any compatible S3 provider. It uses @aws-sdk/client-s3 under the hood. It requires access key, secret key, bucket name, region and endpoint. Example for Minio is provided above.

Custom adapters

To create custom adapters, extend BaseStorage and implement all abstract methods. For examples, look at storage-s3 and storage-core packages inside monorepo.

import { BaseStorage } from "@zmaj-js/full"

export class MyStorage extends BaseStorage {
// Implement missing abstract methods

storage: {
adapters: [MyStorage],